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Level 2



  • Can give a simple description or a presentation of people, living or working conditions, daily routines, likes/dislikes, etc. as a short series of simple phrases and sentences linked into a list.

  • Can ask and answer short questions and carry on a short conversation.

  • Can use some simple structures correctly to convey meaning despite basic errors of usage.

  • Can generally pronounce clearly enough to be understood despite a noticeable foreign accent but will need to be asked for repetition from time to time.

  • Can present with notes but only read some information from slides or notes.




  • Can write an organized one paragraph response with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.

  • Can write paragraphs which answer the question clearly.

  • Can use supporting ideas in a paragraph with basic details.

  • Can use grammar introduced at this level with some accuracy.

  • Can describe routine, familiar situations and topics using sufficient vocabulary (some high frequency words) with correct form and meaning.

  • Can spell basic words accurately. Can use basic punctuation e.g. capitalization, accurately.




  • Can understand speech that is slowly and carefully articulated on concrete topics such as basic personal and family information, health issues, and basic commands.

  • Can ask questions for clarification.

  • Can listen for new vocabulary words.

  • Can make inferences.

  • Can write basic words during dictation type listenings from the textbook at this level.




  • Can understand and summarize short texts on a variety of topics including informational material.

  • Can make basic inferences when provided with some guidance.

  • Can identify purpose, gist, main idea, some supporting details, and textual cues that signal sequence.

  • Can activate schema and make predictions after previewing material.

  • Can use headings and sub-headings to determine the purpose of a reading passage.

  • Can begin to differentiate between fact and opinion.

  • Can use familiar context to understand commonly used and some field-specific language.

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