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Level 5



  • Can give logical, clear and detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects using expanding and supporting ideas with relevant examples supported by sources.

  • Can participate in informal and formal discussions and explain and defend their opinion using evidence from multiple sources.

  • Can demonstrate a good degree of grammatical control with errors that do not interfere with understanding.

  • Can speak with clear pronunciation and intonation with every few mispronunciations.  Can use appropriate sentence stress often.

  • Can present with some brief reference to notes.




  • Can write 4-6 page essays which address the prompt and have the following criteria: a hook, clear thesis, variety of transitions, and unity of ideas with balanced body paragraphs and a conclusion. Can write essays which answer the question clearly.

  • Can develop ideas based on research and synthesis of multiple sources (if applicable) to explain, analyze, synthesize, and expand upon surface observations (sources are appropriate and relevant, not translated, and from an academic or professional source).

  • Can consistently use sources accurately  (in-text citations, punctuation, integration) to support a given topic with guidance: paraphrase, analyze, summarize, express original ideas that are new, independent, and are engaging.

  • Can demonstrate a good degree of grammatical control of items  at this level with occasional errors that do not obscure meaning.

  • Can convey moderately complex ideas, give clear descriptions, express viewpoints, and develop arguments using an appropriate range of language (a range of words from AWL and low frequency words) with correct form and meaning.

  • Can spell low frequency words and AWL accurately with only occasional errors.




  • Can understand typical college lectures, live or broadcast, on both familiar and unfamiliar topics (or variety).

  • Can segment text into larger chunks.  

  • Can paraphrase given topics of the passages.  

  • Can recognize tone (a few idiomatic expressions, irony, and sarcasm).

  • Can take notes on most important points of a lecture with only some information missed.




  • Can understand and  evaluate a variety of text types by distinguishing and paraphrasing main ideas and supporting details,  analyzing complex arguments, and interpreting complex graphs or charts.

  • Can preview/predict and skim/scan for a wide range of content from a variety of different text types and lengths in order to find relevant information or fulfill a specific task.

  • Can take notes while reading using a variety of annotation strategies.

  • Can independently draw straightforward connections within a text, between two or more similar texts, and across genres or subjects.

  • Can use context and a variety of reference sources to understand a broad range of academic and field-specific vocabulary.

  • Can begin to identify and understand figurative language.

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