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Level 3



  • Can give a description or presentation including personal opinions on a few subjects within his/her field of interest with a basic level of organization.

  • Can present with notes but only read some information from slides or notes.

  • Can ask and answer complicated questions to some degree in familiar situations and can defend a basic argument.

  • Can use a variety of predictable structures which are repeated.

  • Can pronounce intelligibly even if a foreign accent is evident.  Mispronunciations occur often.




  • Can write summaries and 3 paragraph essays with a thesis statement, clear topic sentences, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.

  • Can write essays which answer the question clearly.

  • Can write with sufficient details in supporting ideas (at least one detail, one example, and one explanation per body paragraph: personal experience, background knowledge from class, simple paraphrase).

  • Can demonstrate a good degree of grammatical control of items  at this level but with errors that frequently obscure meaning.

  • Can articulate ideas using sufficient vocabulary (a variety of high frequency words with some low frequency) with correct form and meaning.

  • Can format accurately most of the time. Can use correct punctuation some of the time and can spell a variety of high frequency words accurately.




  • Can understand straightforward factual information and narratives (conversations, short stories, short lectures) about every day or job related topics, identifying both general messages and specific details, provided speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent.

  • Can listen for specific details.  

  • Can listen for transitional words/organizer markers.

  • Can summarize information.  

  • Can recognize word order patterns.

  • Can take notes as a list of key points for listenings at this level.




  • Can understand multi-section texts with a range of field specific vocabulary and can read and recognize different text types, identify purpose, main ideas, key details and lines of argument and conclusions.

  • Can preview and predict basic information from straightforward texts using headings, titles, images, captions, and prior knowledge.

  • Can skim/scan a text to identify purpose and key concepts or to locate specific information.

  • Can make some inferences about writer’s viewpoint and purpose in order to make connections and think critically about a topic.

  • Can identify textual cues that signal chronological sequence, cause and effect, and differences between fact and opinion.

  • Can take notes on a familiar topic using graphic organizers.

  • Can use familiar context to understand a range of field-specific vocabulary.

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